Friday, November 12, 2010

Has Hospital Birth Lost Its Way?

Me, with a very cheesy grin, about two hours from birthing Charlie.

The last several births I have been to in hospitals have been awesome, and I have seen the nurses treating laboring mothers with so much respect and care. I was interested to read this article in the Huffington Post today. I do think it is important to remember that hospitals are like a giant machine, and it is easy for things to start getting rushed and out-of-control. Having extra support is so important, in my opinion.

A quote I liked from the article:

"We need to make sure that we reduce the overuse of interventions that are not always necessary, like C-sections, and increase access to the care that we know is good for mothers and babies, like labor support." -- Maureen Corry, executive director of Childbirth Connection.

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