Friday, October 17, 2008

Cost Versus Benefit

From a recent article in USA Today:

"Childbirth is the leading reason for hospitalization in the USA and one of the top reasons for outpatient visits, yet much maternity care consists of high-tech procedures that lack scientific evidence of benefit for most women, a report says today."

Currently, one-third of births in the United States is a c-section (the cesarean rate at our local hospital is currently just over 40%), and I would venture to say that nearly 50% of hospital births are started by induction. Interventions in childbirth seem to increase every year, and it is important to ask -- Are births getting safer?

To read the full text of the quoted article, follow this link.

1 comment:

co•lin fam•i•ly said...

Sometimes I am thankful to have an 'old school' doctor...and small town hospital. I was given a lot of grief for choosing him, but in the end I didn't have the problems (or C-Section) as a few others I know did going with a bigger hospital. My friend was induced simply because her doctor wanted to make sure HE was the one who delivered her baby.