Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Why the Fuss?

I've had to delete this post because it has caused some unwelcome traffic. I'll try and find a link to another one so you can find it if you need to.


Rebekah said...

thank you. i really appreciate this post. it drives me insane that nudity and all other skanky-ness is okay until a mother shows a little flesh to provide the best for her child.

our society is ridiculous.

Wendyrful said...

What a great article! Or should I say expose'...

Oh and by the way... The first poster, was my oldest daughter (oldest of 6) and I LOVE that she is a great BF advocate!
(They did the 'babies' -with the battery/computer chip - who would cry, etc. in Child Development class and as a H.S. Senior, she said she wanted the 'breastfeeding' sensor. Everyone thought she was crazy and weird! She thought it was great! she could roll over at night to feed her 'baby', rather than having to deal with trying to 'bottle' feed the baby for the 24 hours she had it.